Protein: grilled sole fish (ikan sebelah)
sweet sour red snapper (ikan merah)
Vege: mixed vegetables
carrot and sawi (she hated the leafy bit, so she had the stalk)
*what's sawi in English? So obvious that I don't shop for local vege*
~the bento lasted for 2 meals actually.
February 25, 2009 at 8:24 AM
Your doter habiskan semua makanan nih? Wah...semangat ek...suke tengok budak2 yang makan sedap nih...hihihihi
February 25, 2009 at 12:22 PM
veggie, fish dia makan. spaghetti... i think half ended up on the floor :) that's why letak pasta byk2 sket