Arianna has given up BF daytime, and I 'curi-curi' BF whenever she's sleeping. Been meaning to update...but there're just too many emotions to actually blog it down.
She has shown signs of weaning past few months:
- can go without BF for HOURS if we're out (?8-9 hours)
- good intake of solids
- refusal of bottles
- bites if forced to BF
- wakes up in the middle of the night looking for plain water in her sippy
- takes water after BF
I was thinking of ditching pumping since she has reverse cycled. Being a student/trainee meant hauling few textbooks in the bag. It has been a month since I quit lunch pumping (18th May), because thereafter I started my leave before I left the organisation.
Even though I was home, she BF less due to illness (and silly me, I purposely got infected to provide antibody- I ended up taking antibiotics). So come June 1st, since she no longer BF, I decided not to lug around my pump, and pump 1-2x at home. Urgh measly, measly amount! I definitely can't be EPing mom.
Since I started my new job, she seems to be enjoying(?) her/mommy's milestone (read: mommy leaves early)... so she cuts out her morning nap as she gets up 8-9ish. No morning feed, means she can sleep in. Her breakfast stretches till lunch.
Arianna's moving on... 10 teeth with more molars coming through, she's not dependant on milk *long sigh*, but more on solids. She's not totally on table food yet, so I still cook her meals. She sits with us (refuses high chair currently) and picks table food that she wants.
She nibbles all day long, and sometimes she only eats a full meal (in her own standard) when I get home in the evening. But looking at her poop, growth...I'm sure she's not underfed *LOL*. She had supper too, with Daddy.
She's sleeping through the night, if you can ignore the whimpers of wet diaper, crawling for water. If she can't find her sippy (just at her head), she'd crawl to edge of the bed to find a sippy on the table *this just happened at 5am*.
Mommy's off to work. Pics later.
June 18, 2009 at 9:30 AM
hanim.. what sippy cup do u use..? ellyw
June 18, 2009 at 4:13 PM
I'm just trying to imagine Arianna searching for her sippy cup in the wee hours..I'm sure she was still groggy from sleep hee hee..
I see that she still eats well so that's good. My boys, lepas umur setahun stgh mula lah byk fasa-fasa tak suka makan ini itu *frustrating*.
Bites if forced to BF? Wahh dia dah jumpa "senjata" le tu..!
June 19, 2009 at 9:12 PM
Hi Elly... I use Pigeon at home. The handle and small qty makes it easier for Arianna to handle. But we use Nuby when going out...can hold more.
Hi Millie... uih she's so fussy. This week she eats sausages every 2 days coz she just wouldn't eat when I'm away. I still cook 1-2 dishes for her, depends on her whether she'll eat it or not... trying my best not to get upset over it *LOL