? "Teaching Will Harm The Child"

Got this email yesterday. It disturbs me that some thinks early learning is harmful. I was browsing through and forum hopping, apparently this is frequently discussed.

Read more here.

Saying that, I should change my labels... instead of 'lesson', it should be fun learning? Homeschooling/ preschooling? Just like other labels of attachment parenting (AP), babywearing (BW), baby led weaning (BLW), exclusively breastfeeding (EBF)... I never did intend to follow a doctrine. I'm just doing something that comes naturally, and giving the best for my child. But apparently most things I do have a label for it :-)

So, it's not lesson then?

The drag down menu is mainly for me... never did think on how to map it out when I started this blog.


Mornings have always been our fun learning time. It's usually:
-singing, dancing (I think it's her morning aerobics)

Tools for singing, dancing:
-internet. Daddy thought her youtube, and Tok Wan youtubed Alif Baa Taa for her.
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on stillbirth... from March of Dimes website

What are the causes of stillbirth?
There are a number of known causes of stillbirth. Sometimes more than one of these causes may contribute to the baby’s death. Common causes include:

  • Birth defects: About 15 to 20 percent of stillborn babies have one or more birth defects (1). At least, 20 percent of these have chromosomal disorders, such as Down syndrome (1). Others have other birth defects resulting from genetic, environmental or unknown causes.
  • Placental problems: Placental problems cause about 25 percent of stillbirths (3). One of the most common placental problems is placental abruption. In this condition, the placenta peels away, partly to almost completely, from the uterine wall before delivery. It results in heavy bleeding that can threaten the life of mother and baby. Sometimes it can cause the fetus to die from lack of oxygen. Women who smoke cigarettes or use cocaine during pregnancy are at increased risk of placental abruption.
  • Poor fetal growth: Fetuses who are growing too slowly are at increased risk of stillbirth. About 40 percent of stillborn babies have poor growth (2). Women who smoke cigarettes or have high blood pressure are at increased risk of having a baby that grows too slowly. An ultrasound examination during pregnancy can show that the fetus is growing poorly, allowing health care providers to carefully monitor the pregnancy.
  • Infections: Infections involving the mother, fetus or placenta appear to cause about 10 to 25 percent of stillbirths (4, 5). Infections are an important cause of fetal deaths before 28 weeks of pregnancy (4). Some infections may cause no symptoms in the pregnant woman. These include genital and urinary tract infections and certain viruses, such as fifth disease (parvovirus infection). These infections may go undiagnosed until they cause serious complications, such as fetal death or preterm birth (before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy).
  • Chronic health conditions in the pregnant woman: About 10 percent of stillbirths are related to chronic health conditions in the mother, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease and thrombophilias (blood clotting disorders) (5). These conditions may contribute to poor fetal growth or placental abruption.
  • Umbilical cord accidents: Accidents involving the umbilical cord may contribute to about 2 to 4 percent of stillbirths (3). These include a knot in the cord or abnormal placement of the cord into the placenta. These can deprive the fetus of oxygen.

Other causes of stillbirth include trauma (such as car accidents), postdate pregnancy (a pregnancy that lasts longer than 42 weeks), Rh disease (an incompatibility between the blood of mother and baby), and lack of oxygen (asphyxia) during a difficult delivery. These causes are uncommon.

Certain risk factors also are associated with stillbirth. Some of these include (1, 4, 5):

A recent study found that African-American women had a two-fold increased risk of stillbirth compared to white women (6). It is not known why African-American women are at higher risk. The risk for Hispanic women was similar to that of non-Hispanic white women (6)

on intrauterine death

Read Chinnee@MamaPatch entry... a sad outcome of a pregnancy (not hers!), and reminded me of my Adam.
I was pregnant with not much prob, except one day of bleeding in 1st trimester. I thought it was my menses coz I haven't checked the urine pregnancy test (I wasn't late anyway, thus I thought it was menses). No morning sickness, vomiting etc. Heck, we went to Langkawi during the first trimester, travelling to Kuala Kedah, taking the ferry and all.

Only had slight cramps into the 5th month, probably due to urinary tract infection. I was active as ever, only a small rounded belly to cause me to change my wardrobe (from pants into baju kurung haha). Went around for meetings, course, giving talks etc. One day I felt very,very little movement... I went to my gynae 5-6pm and his heartbeat wasn't there. I wasn't: -diabetic -hypertensive -having blood coagulation disorder

The above reasons were running in my mind when the news was broken to me. I did not ask, but stated that i didn't have any risk factor. Next I called DH, and asked where to deliver (my gynae went for Hajj, as I didn't want to go to a government hospital, I have way too many doctor friends in O&G). Went home, collected my thoughts, cried seeing his baby room (cot, clothes, toys and all), later broke the news to my in laws and my family.
Google on intrauterine death, you'd get many causes. But through my own experience of handling maternal child health clinic, presenting mortality cases, gestational diabetes/ known diabetic moms tops the list.

Hypertension and coagulopathy were culprits too, mostly by restricting blood flow to the placenta. In hypertension, the high blood pressure causes resistance in small blood vessels, and the placenta suffers. Even in well controlled hypertension, sometimes you can see placental changes.

In coagulopathy (anti phospholipid syndrome is common), you'd get small clots, and may block the small blood vessels to the placenta. They may have first trimester losses before finally being diagnosed, and upon diagnosis-be on blood thinners throughout the pregnancy. But in latter two, they'd get baby aspirin ie 75mg aspirin as a precaution to take daily.
*Mine was a mystery. Something happened inside and when he struggled, he got cord around his neck sadly.*

Chatterbox 1st Anniversary Giveaway

A tribute to blogger momma, Hanz

I love to announce this blog of mine, or fondly referred as Chatterbox the very 1st Anniversary Giveaway.Soon, my beloved Chatterbox will be having new look so in order to upgrade, I love to hear your say!

How? 3 Simple Steps for you to join this easy-peasy giveaway! Just...
(1) Write a post / entry in your own blog promoting my giveaway. Just 1 post. Please make sure, you include linkable this giveaway link & my Chatterbox link as well.

(2) Visit this Chatterbox as often as you like & by all means, for any post you will find it usefulness, help yourself to it but please let me know. I love to share anything that I know or experienced with others. Do get to know this Chatterbox & me, so...you can provide your opinion, views, ideas or whatever feedbacks, be positive or negative, I'm ok with it. :D

READ : ONLY this Chatterbox CONTENTS. I repeat, just the CONTENT (post/chat). Whether as overall, specific or based in certain subject. Don't comment any other things like layout, navigation or whatsoever.

I'm open to all feedbacks, but please make it reasonable & reliable. Why? I appreciate the friendships made & love to make more friends & sharing is one thing I love to do for things I love & cherish. Your visits & views is important to me. I believe in lifelong learning & room for improvements.

(3) Leave your (i) blog link entry about this giveaway & (ii) your feedbacks on my Chatterbox's Content (overall or specific) in this Giveaway entry only at Vis-a-vis.(Comment)

How you will be judged?
Dear Hubby of yours truly who is a non-blogger will review each entry. Well, since the existing of this Chatterbox, he's my biggest Critics! Ha!Ha!

So, who can join?
Just any Malaysian Citizenship Female Bloggers either residing in Malaysia or outside of Malaysia.
This giveaway starts on 15th of October & ends on 15th of November, 2009 @ 11:59pm (Malaysian time)

The prizes:

1 piece of Linda Linda Enviro-Safe side sling bag -or-
2 pieces reusable Cloth Pad -or-
2 pieces funky prints Cloth Wipes

Dearie Hanz... fellow blogger momma who's more active than me in terms of blogging has a few things in common with me:
  • name
  • passion for education
  • books, books, books
  • breastfeeding
  • cloth diapering
  • babywearing
lately....into bentos too :)

she ate at mamak's!

This was 2 weeks ago, one of the weekend that we had time to kill while waiting for the car to be vacuumed. I wanted mee goreng mamak, so I ordered roti canai kosong for her. Her first ever non-air conditioned restaurant (don't judge me, judge her eczema). Updating her restaurant list:

  • Porto Romano
  • Garden Lifestyle
  • Manhattan Fish Market - out
  • Starbucks
  • Yogi Tree
  • Delicious
  • Vivo
  • Italiannies
  • Pasta Mania - oh no! It has closed in Pavillion. Anywhere else?
  • New York New York
  • Tony Roma - out
  • Sakae Sushi
  • Senjyu
  • Yoshinoya - out
  • Sushi King - out
  • Korean BBQ Chicken - out
  • Teppanyaki - temporarily on hold
  • YO! Sushi
  • Kushi Q
Middle Eastern:
  • Al Diafah
  • Tarbush - out
Fast food:
  • Wendy's - out
  • McDonald's
  • Pizza Hut - temporarily on hold
  • Burger King
  • Carls's Jr (the latter 2 for fries)
  • New Zealand Natural
  • Gelatissimo
  • McD sundae
  • Haagen Dazs

simple lunch

Started like this:
Then added some carbohydrate (decided to make bunny rice that day).
Simple peas chucked into boiling water :)
As expected, she finished most of the peas, ate 2 sticks of fishball kebabs, ignored the rice. But she took the rice an hour later. I think she's practising this diet: carb+veggie=ok, protein+veggie=ok, carb+protein=no no.