I love to announce this blog of mine, or fondly referred as Chatterbox the very 1st Anniversary Giveaway.Soon, my beloved Chatterbox will be having new look so in order to upgrade, I love to hear your say!
How? 3 Simple Steps for you to join this easy-peasy giveaway! Just...
(1) Write a post / entry in your own blog promoting my giveaway. Just 1 post. Please make sure, you include linkable this giveaway link & my Chatterbox link as well.
(2) Visit this Chatterbox as often as you like & by all means, for any post you will find it usefulness, help yourself to it but please let me know. I love to share anything that I know or experienced with others. Do get to know this Chatterbox & me, can provide your opinion, views, ideas or whatever feedbacks, be positive or negative, I'm ok with it. :D
READ : ONLY this Chatterbox CONTENTS. I repeat, just the CONTENT (post/chat). Whether as overall, specific or based in certain subject. Don't comment any other things like layout, navigation or whatsoever.
I'm open to all feedbacks, but please make it reasonable & reliable. Why? I appreciate the friendships made & love to make more friends & sharing is one thing I love to do for things I love & cherish. Your visits & views is important to me. I believe in lifelong learning & room for improvements.
(3) Leave your (i) blog link entry about this giveaway & (ii) your feedbacks on my Chatterbox's Content (overall or specific) in this Giveaway entry only at Vis-a-vis.(Comment)
How you will be judged?
Dear Hubby of yours truly who is a non-blogger will review each entry. Well, since the existing of this Chatterbox, he's my biggest Critics! Ha!Ha!
So, who can join?
Just any Malaysian Citizenship Female Bloggers either residing in Malaysia or outside of Malaysia.
This giveaway starts on 15th of October & ends on 15th of November, 2009 @ 11:59pm (Malaysian time)
The prizes:
1 piece of Linda Linda Enviro-Safe side sling bag -or-
2 pieces reusable Cloth Pad -or-
2 pieces funky prints Cloth Wipes
Dearie Hanz... fellow blogger momma who's more active than me in terms of blogging has a few things in common with me:
- name
- passion for education
- books, books, books
- breastfeeding
- cloth diapering
- babywearing
lately....into bentos too :)
November 12, 2009 at 8:21 PM
Hanim, thank you for your participation.Don't forget Step3 ya.Good Luck!